


不过抑郁这个也不是自己能控制的,记得之前timo tolkki就曾经抑郁过很多年,但是最终是走出来了,但是那是因为出生在芬兰这样的国家。长久见不到阳光就会这样的。

《hymn to life》这个专辑就是他这期间的作品。还是跟之前以及之后的有很大的区别。虽然抑郁,但是人还是很认真的活着。

Are You The One?
The traveller in time who has come
To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun
To walk this path with me until the end of time
Are You The One?
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies
Eternity of evening sky
Facing the morning eye to eye
Are You The One?
Who’d share this life with me
Who’d dive into the sea with me
Are You The One?
Who’s had enough of pain
And doesn’t wish to feel the shame, anymore
Are you the one?
Are You The One?
Who’s love is like a flower that needs rain
To wash away the feeling of pain
Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear
Are You The One?
To walk with me in garden of stars
The universe, the galaxies and Mars
The supernova of our love is true
Are You The One?
Who’d share this life with me
Who’d dive into the sea with me
Are You The One?
Who’s had enough of pain
And doesn’t wish to feel the shame, anymore
Are you the one?
Are You The One?
Who’d share this life with me
Who’d dive into the sea with me
Are You The One?
Who’s had enough of pain
And doesn’t wish to feel the shame, anymore